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bob james bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bob james"
  • james:    james ii; james iv; james; saint james the
  • bob bell:    bob bell (motorsport)
  • bob blackman:    bob blackman (american football)
  • bob dylan:    bob dylan; dylan
  • bob harper:    bob harper (personal trainer)
  • bob hidrogen:    fusion bomb; h-bomb; hydrogen bomb; thermonuclear weapon
  • bob hope:    bob hope; hope; leslie townes hope
  • bob marley:    bob marley; robert nesta marley; marley
  • bob mathias:    bob mathias; robert bruce mathias; mathias
  • bob peterson:    bob peterson (filmmaker)
  • bob uyl:    bob den uyl
  • bob woodward:    woodward; robert burns woodward; bob woodward; robert woodward
  • captain bob:    robert abram bartlett; bartlett; captain bob; robert bartlett
  • james:    james ii; james iv; james; saint james the apostle; jesse james; king james i; henry james; king james; james i; st. james; william james; st. james the apostle; saint james
  • bob & partners company:    bob and partners co. ltd.
  • He has performed in concerts (such as Java Jazz and Bob James Concert) and written songs for several albums.
    Ia pernah tampil di konser-konser besar (seperti Java Jazz and Bob James Concert) dan menulis lagu untuk beberapa album.
  • For their album One on One, Klugh and Bob James received a Grammy award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance of 1981.
    Untuk album kolaborasi pertama mereka, One-on-One, Earl Klugh dan Bob James menerima penghargaan Grammy untuk Best Pop Instrumental Performance Tahun 1981.